What do I do ?
I've been Foster parent for the small and fuzzy for many years now. I have rehabilitated Skunks and Raccoons, fostered Cats, Rats, Degus, Mice and Australian Sugar Gliders. I currently Foster for Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association and Small Animal Rescue Society of BC. I have had permanent animals in my home, but prefer to be able to help the formerly unwanted small and furry.
I have my own system of socializing the initially unsocial but am always on the look out for new ideas. I have learned that every animal is different, not unlike people, each has their own quirks and triggers. If I learn these I am better able to give them what they need to be their best selves.
Why do I do this?
Because I can. Because I enjoy the satisfaction of watching them change from scared and mistrusting to loving and desirous of human interaction.
How do I do this?

I consider myself a teacher. I am teaching animals to be the best selves they can be. Do I fall in love every time? Of Course! But I know they will go on to great Furever homes and live long and happy lives.