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Knickers in a twist


Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Something has Delta's knickers in a twist. Normally at this stage in our relationship I can place her food a few feet in front of her window sill hiding place. Maybe I get a half-hearted hiss, maybe. Today? I get hissed at, with heat and enthusiasm. In fact, she's even spit at me a few times. Talk about a bad mood. At least she ate all her breakfast. I know it's an extremely bad day when she doesn't eat. She did come out for some super treats, getting fairly close so we haven't complete lost the lessons learned. We've come so far, slowly to be sure, and we still have a long way to go. But we'll get there even if she is giving me an evil death stare as I type this.

Drake and Nynja are getting along better. They too ate all their breakfast unlike yesterday where very little was eaten. I'm sure it was both the heat as well as the newness of the situation. For some reason they have decided they need to use the tiny litter box in the kennel rather than the extra large one. Drake is purring up a storm and will cuddle for a moment before his kitten exuberance takes over. Nynja settled in for a good pet and then whiles splayed on her back with both arms waiving in the air tried to catch the feather toy.

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