Kevin, pronounced Kee-vin came to me mid- February. She has been in the system for a while, living in the Ops centre in Vancouver and then in Surrey and now with me. She came to VOKRA with her kittens, whom have all be adopted long ago.

Kevin is one of the shyer cats I have come across. It took her several days to start eating, and then only at night. Now she eats both breakfast and dinner, however only if the lights are off. I need her to start eating when the lights are on before I can even consider moving her to the bedroom as Sweeti Pi is in there and I'm concerned that she will eat all of Kevins food.
We have had some progress though. When I spend time in the bathroom she stares at me. I can tell how "relaxed" she is by what level of holes her eyes are at. It's kind of unnerving how long she can go without moving or blinking. After 6 weeks only takes about 45 minutes before her eyes move to the bottom holes, which means she's laying down.

Yesterday we had some great progress. She ignored me! I know, sounds strange to be happy to be ignored but that she was comfortable enough to not have to keep an eye on me is fantastic. If course she flinched as I tried to get the camera closer to take a second photo, but we'll work on that. One teeny tiny step at a time.
