When you have as many animals as I usually do, and when those animals need to be separated due to behavior, age, sex etc. you find yourself counting them, a lot. Moving rats from one space to another is always accompanied by a verbal "one, two, three, …" Leaving a room where the cats are is always accompanied with a visual check to make sure that everyone is where they should be, that no one is making a break for freedom.
Today I only have two animals. Sweetie Pi and Kevin. I recently moved Kevin from the bathroom to the bedroom in a hope that having more control over her space would allow her to be more comfortable with people, or rather person. They are tolerating each other. I will write about that little adventure another time.
How many cats do you see in the photo? There are two. Take your time. When you think you've found both scroll down to see if you were right.


This is why counting cats can be hard.