Hi. I'm Keaton.

I am scared of people and of my brother. He use to beat me up so now we live in different homes. When I came to my new home I had mites. They bite and I scratch. I got revolution and now them critters are all gone and I feel better. After 2 weeks I am starting to trust my new human.
Hi. I'm Felix.

I have anger and fear issues and I bite to keep myself safe and express my displeasure. Like my brother Keaton I too had mites but am feeling so much better now. My new human is working on my biting issues. They keep shoving a glove in my home and trying to touch me with it. Biting the glove is not nearly as satisfying as I don't get the reaction I want when I bite it. My new human is a little mean. I don't get fun food anymore unless I don't bite the glove. Mean human, I like my treats.