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My Poor Index Finger


My left hand index finger has had a really bad few days. Its' been bitten twice in the last few days by two different critters. Typing this update is going to be interesting as the bandage has made it so I can't really bend my finger. I apologize in advance for any typo's I don't catch.

Areknot gets really enthusiastic when something is happening that he loves. In this case it was getting a bit of dried fish. As I am feeding these treats by hand and his aim was just ever so lightly off one of his teeth got me. Thankfully it was not a full force bite as most of his mouth was full of fish but it still drew blood and hurt.

Just today Jeremiah, one of the Papa rats in the family we recently took in, decided to get a burr up his bottom and bite me. He's been a little off all day however about an hour before we were hanging out and he was bruxing (the rat version of purring). As I take him to put him into the new cage got transportation to his new foster home he bites, hard. Only his bottom teeth broke the skin so only one side of my finger was bleeding. The good thing about bleeding and letting it bleed is it can reduce the change of infection. Silly rattie.

Also don't worry about the hairless patches on his shoulder in that photo. He's part Rex, which means that his hair will fall out in different places and then grow back. A full blood is also known as a naked rat.



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