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Singing the song of his people


This is Brant. He arrived early August. Within a day or two he was asking for pets. He's still a little shy with new people but most definitely not with me. He's also quite gorgeous. He's got solid stripes down his back, and those eyes. They just melt you.

He's smart. It took him 3 days of trying before he opened the screen door. With the heat I am going to have to figure out a way to keep the screen closed. He likes to sit on my chest or lay in the bed for pets but isn't opposed to being a lap cat either. I have to introduce him to each piece if furniture to let him know it's ok to be petted there though.

With all this perfection there's gotta be a down side right? Yup. Brant likes to sing, tell you all about his day and complain when something isn't going his way. He has lots to say, and doesn't even particularity care if you are listening.



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