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Somethings you never want to come home to


There are some things you never want to come home to. Blood is one of them. Unfortunately that's exactly what happened this week.

I check on the boys as I do every day and there is blood all over Keaton's cage. Slightly panicked I search the cage for this lovely boy. It's not lots of blood, but any is bad. When I finally find him in his space pod and take him out of the cage, much to his dislike I discover his foot is bleeding. A quick trip to the bathroom and I discover that his toenail has been ripped off.

It was this nail but on the other foot.

Ewwww, but it happens. The nail gets caught on something and in the desire to get it uncaught it they pull so hard the nail gets ripped out. Ouch, but nothing to panic over. So after a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding as I don't have any Quick Stop. Quick stop is a product that helps stop bleeding, usually used when one has clipped their animals nails too close to the quick and nip the capillaries in the nail causing it to bleed.

Keaton is fine, and after a bit of a cuddle, more for my benefit than his, he was back in his cage with a nut as a treat chomping away happily.



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