Quite a bit has happened since I last posted.
Old man has crossed the rainbow bridge. He waited until I had returned from my vacation so we had a few days to say goodbye. The pet sitter fell madly in love with him and brought all sorts of treats from home so his last weeks were ones of decadence and love. He was the last of his brothers and now my home will be ratless for a while. After over 20 years I’m taking a bit of a break.

Dorothy and Blanche were adopted mid July. Their new family appreciates their drive-by kitty behavior, and one wanted a black cat and the other a tabby so even esthetically it was a good fit. They are now living in East Vancouver.

Ash is now up for adoption. No one has asked for an interview yet. He is enjoying being the only cat and has become more affectionate. Though not a lap cat he often flops on the couch while making sure he’s touching me somewhere. He has also taken to rubbing up against me when he wants some loving. It helps that the cat tree is now behind the couch. I rearranged the whole living area as I no longer have to keep the “rat table” away from windows. Ash took the change really well, coming out to look at changes whenever I stopped for a moment.

Instead of getting new fosters I have been on vacation watch. So far I have fed Pippin and Merry. They only live a few blocks away so it was pretty easy. They didn’t move from their hiding spots the entire time, not even for treats. Currently I have 4, 3 month old, kittens for a week. Calvin and Coco are the tabbies, they both only have a partial tail, but it looks genetic not accident. Stella is the black and white and Ralph is the fuzzy black. They don’t initiate touching yet, but when tempted with treats and toys they come out and I can pet them when they come close.
