It's been a week or so since Buttons was adopted. Pogue and Sprout have moved into the living room and Sweetie Pi has been relocated into the bedroom. This means that there are no free roaming animals in my home right now. It's a little odd.

I knew I would miss the animal that snuggles against you. It's the other things that I miss that seem a little odd. I miss pushing the cats out of the way while I eat, or having to eat while standing up. I miss double thinking about any food that is on the counter. I miss being yelled at at dinner time, or around dinner time, or whenever the cats think it's time to eat. My scratches and pinprick holes are healing and it's odd not having more. Many of the things that annoyed me I am now missing.
I know that this is a moment it time and soon I will have lots of new animal issues that I will complain about, but for now it is a quiet, quiet home.
