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Boxing Anyone?


Delta has come farther in the last two weeks in accepting humanity than she has in the last 6 months. She's still not

​completely accepting. I get hissed at daily and if she feels so inclined maybe even spit at. Though that is becoming less and less common. If she feels that she is in control then humans are wonderful, if not then they are scary and need to be scared away. She encourages petting now, under very controlled circumstances, but does it every day. She even stays on the bed most evenings and will not run away if I get up, as long as I do it slowly. This is a very brave thing to do.

As normal as this is all getting , happily so, she still has her moments of weirdness. Last night she jumps up on the bed very close to my face, much closer than she normally jumps. I don't move. She takes a moment to get her balance, pauses to assess the situation, and then hisses straight at me, actually leaning forward, and then leaps off. Not a moment later she jumps back on the bed, same spot, then calmly turns to her right and finds a comfortable place to lay near my feet. I think my favorite moment though was when I was petting her and she was getting near to having enough as I had stopped giving treats a few minutes before she she leans back and bats my wrist and arm with both hands. Think getting your ears boxes for a visual but on your arm. Once she's done beating me up she rubs her head against my hand so I will keep petting her. Silly Kitty.

(Aside: I don't move my arm when this type of thing happens as I do not want her to learn that this behavior will get me to move from her space. However I did not continue to pet her until she was ready.)

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