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Holy S@&% I got a purrrrrrrr


Sorry about video quality, that`s what we get when using your phone with only the bedside lamp for illumination. Delta is making strides very quickly considering she wouldn`t let me touch her just over a month ago. As you can see in the video, though she obviously wants to have the attention, encourages it even, but she is still conflicted and has some trust issues. I can pet her on her head and neck and occasionally her shoulder blade but anything more than that gets a negative reaction. Our petting sessions last longer and longer and often without treats. And today we made a HUGE step forward. Delta purred. You can`t hear it on the video as it`s so faint. I almost didn`t recognize it as it was so faint and she sometimes breaths heavy especially when agitated or excited. It didn`t last long but it was there. Now all I have to do is get her to let me pet her everywhere, have her allow me in her space without hissing and introduce her to the rest of the household.

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