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Big Day for a Little Kitten


The life of kitten is nothing if not exciting. Any new thing, noise or smell must be investigated. Here is a day in the life of Drake. Carefully transcribed by me as he told me about his day.

This morning bright and early my human got up, wandered around, and then went back to bed. I didn't get breakfast, that's just mean. Finally, like a whole 30 minutes later I got breakfast. I wanted a treat when everyone sat on the couch but I didn't get one, Nynja did. I tried to steal them but only got moved and snuggled. So it wasn't all bad. I found a new toy on the table, it was container of nuts. I pushed it round; it rolled funny and made a good rattle noise. I chased it all around the house. Then I napped. When I woke up I got a treat. Yeah! I chased Nynja around the house. Then she chased me. I can run really fast and she never caught me. Winner! There is a new box on the floor. It has a hole in it that I can stick my paws through. I thought I could catch something but no one came close. The box didn't let out quietly so I could commit my secret silent attack so I attacked the box instead. Except for thwarting my ambush it's a great box.

After lunch time Nynja gave me a bath while I was being petted. I like it when she cleans me, but can only be still for a little while then I just HAVE to move. I took another nap. After that I cuddled with my human, right up by the face. It's my favorite spot, but it takes me a little while to fine the exact perfect location to settle in. I found ANOTHER new toy. Wow is this a great day or what! It is a folded paper napkin. Folded are the best because they are small and I can carry it around if I want to. I pounced on it good! I am getting to be a great hunter.

My foster parent tricked me! I was given a treat but it was 2 inches from my head. It took FOREVER to find it. My day took a turn for the worse after that. I got locked in the cage. It was so unfair I didn't do anything. But then they let me out and there was the lady from 2 weeks ago. I like her because she gave me treats. She gave me a shot but I didn't mind. I got treats! Nynja didn't... only me! They didn't let me help myself though.

I almost got over the giant cardboard wall to visit Delta in her room. It seems higher this time because I know that I have jumped it before. Unfortunately I made noise (I'm still working on my stealth mode) so my humans caught me every time I tried. I KNOW Delta doesn't really like it when I visit. But it's soooooo much fun in her room and I'm just sure that I could turn her frown upside down if she just got to know me. I mean I am Drake the magnificent. Kitten extraordinaire! What's not to like? My handsome face, winning personality, desire to eat her food?

My stealth mode worked after my nap. I snuck into the bathroom just as the door was being closed. Super stealthy Drake wins again. Unfortunately my human was on the way OUT of the bathroom so I was all alone had to amuse myself for a while. The bathroom is not nearly as fun as Delta's room. Once I got out my human gave me a cuddle and then we played feather-on-string. I love feather-on-string. Sometimes I let Nynja play but this time it was all me. I know my human thinks that I am just goofy when I try to roll on the string, but it's fuzzy and feels nice.

Nynja and I napped after supper. We like to nap together, especially when we can stretch out on the couch. When I get bigger I want to be able to stretch to two cushions. A kitten's got to have goals after all.

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