Delta has been making leaps and bounds to the world of house cat. I can pet her, all the way down her back. She doesn't like it when I touch her tail. She may be sensitive about it as it is a little short. She uses me as a step when she wants, stretching high into the air, and purrs consistently . I think the largest OMG moment is that nightly, after I stop petting her, she settles nicely into my lap and in content to stay there until I have to move. And when I do I get the most disgruntled look as if she's saying. "What move? I'm comfortable here"

Life is not all sunshine and roses in the world of Delta. She will not allow me to enter her space. If I do she still hisses and if really annoyed will growl and lash out. She still has her off days where she is more aggressive but even on those days she decided to jump onto my bed for some lovin'. Careful Lovin'