I have inherited some hooligans. Due to these troublemakers I am now on cage configuration number 3, in 3 days.

Configuration number one had the boys, Francisco Awesome and Fluffy in separate cages and then all the Itsy, Bitsy and Babs as well as all the babies in another. I had to switch cages half way through as one of the overachiever babies was hanging out on top of the cage when I clearly put him in the cage.
Configuration number two had the older litter separated from the moms and aunties in their own cage. As the bigger babies are at the age where weaning can begin and the the younger litter was in desperate need of more milk they can be separated with no negative impact only positive results. Itsy is the primary caregiver with Bitsy helping out when she feels like it so feeding 24 babies was very hard on her. Babs is the ever vigilant Aunt sharing her body heat and protecting from marauding kittens.

Last night 6 of the 12 babies escaped their cage. I found two in the morning besides the mommy cage, so though they escaped they didn't go far. The other four were not easily found but I had to go to work. All day I was hoping they found a safe place to hide and did not become kitten toys. When I came home I was afraid I was going to tear apart my entire place to find them.
I found the first with Francisco Awesome in his cage, the second with Fluffy in his. The final two were huddled in my radiator. Everyone safe and sound. Very little furniture needed to be moved. Above is a photo of the 4 Hooligans that gave me such a fright.
Thus begins configuration number three. I made my largest cage, into a rat condo. There are now 3 individual levels. Currently the top two are empty as I know soon I will need to separate the boys from the girls, but until then the babes get to hang out in a spacious ground level suite. And the bars are too narrow for any more night time adventures.