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This is my Tomorrow

This is my non-cuddle Animal to do list for tomorrow in no particular order.

1. Clean 4 litter boxes

2. Clean 2 empty rat cages

3. Clean 4 full rat cages

4. Finish Kitten Proofing the house

5. Trick out 5 rat cages

6. Sex litter number 1 and separate

7. Feed everyone breakfast

a. 2 plates cat food

b. 1 plate cat food mixed with pumpkin

c. 2 plates KMR (kitten milk)

d. top up 4 bowls rat food

e. fresh water in 3 cat bowls

f. check water levels in 4 water bottles and refresh if necessary

g. Frozen chicken to 4 rat cages (frozen because it's so hot and this will help cool them down)

8. Go across town to pick up rat litter and more kitten milk, puppy/kitten dry food.

9. Go to Ops Centre to pick up cat food and probiotics

10. Photoshoot all 29 rats for both identifying photos and cute adopt me photos

11. Put in request for vaccination number two for Maybelle

12. Blog about rats

13. E-mail Bios of rats to be put up on petfinder

14. Upload cat photos for bios

15. Write new bios for cats

16. Feed everyone dinner

a. See #7 but exchange chicken for fruit and vegetables, and maybe a a bit of lasagna,

17. E-mail foster coordinator about with monthly update

18. Edge level 2 of rat condo

19. Fill up treat container

20. Create lid for Mother-in-Law plant

I've probably forgotten something but I know I'll remember later.

This is Maybelle the newest addition to my Menagerie.

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