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Meet the Jabberwocky Grownups


Everyone has settled in nicely. It's been a week and now cages are decorated, cats have been normalized and the rat condo is in full use. It's great having rats in the house again, especially friendly ones. I don't normally get friendly so it's wonderful to have a rattie run to the front of the cage when you walk by, front paws in the air saying " Come play with me and let me snuggle on your shoulder or in your hair."

Itsy is super friendly. When not feeding her babies she can be found cuddling her sister Bitsy and friend Babs. She likes to cuddle her humans as well. Itsy is a great mom, and doesn’t matter if the babies were hers or Bitsys she tried to feed them all. She likes to eat anything but has a fondness for cucumber and chicken.

Bitsy is a sweetie. Happy to just hang on your shoulder or be scratched on the belly. She loves her sister Itsy and is happy to leave most of the baby feeding to her while she snuggles into Babs. Bitsy is often the first to the front of the cage wanting to explore the world.

Babs is the Best Auntie in the world. She’s the protector. Making sure the babies are warm and safe while Itsy and Bitsy take a well-deserved break. Babs has a gentle soul. She missed her former human and took a little while to warm up to her new home. In her off duty time she loves to hang out at the top of the cage. She likes a good belly scritch and has been known to curl up in the crook of your arm.

Francisco Awesome is well named. He is cute, friendly and awesome. He likes to sleep on top of his cube instead of in it and tends to tip his food dishes. I figure that’s because he things the good stuff is at the bottom. He is a sunbather, finding the tiny bit of direct sunlight that enters his cage and curls up into it. He is active and inquisitive unless of course you wake him up. Then he’s all sleepy and kind of confused for a moment or two before going back to his exuberant self.

Fluffy is a pile of love. He loves to snuggle and could shoulder ride for hours. He has fun in his wheel, but not too much at night, which is good as the wheel squeaks. This curly-haired guy likes his grapes and pasta, boy does he love his pasta.

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