The beginning of August has been a great time for my Menagerie.

We have all healthy, happy and friendly rats. I know who are boys and who are girls so there is no chance of another accidental litter. All the babies are learning the joys of finger wrestling and deciding which of the new foods I am introducing them to that they like. Fluffy likes his new cage at the top of the rat condo, he especially likes the large wheel. Francisco Awesome hasn't quite grasped the concept of the cube hammock. He prefers to be on top of it instead of in it. Haven't quite gotten around to the updated photoshoot yet but hope to soon.

Drake met his new Mom and all we are doing is waiting for the paperwork to be completed before he goes to his new home where he will have lots of friends to play with.

Maybelle the tiny and shy grey kitty came to stay with us. She and Drake are competing for who can hiss the best, but it never goes farther than hissing. At first she never came out from hiding and if she did she slunk around staying as close to the ground as possible and going as fast as she could. I would often see only a streak of grey from the corner of my eye. A week later she is confidently exploring her new surroundings and even comes close-ish for treats. She has the best "What the heck?!" look. It makes me laugh when I see it.

I opened the wire door allowing everyone to interact and it has been an amazing success. Delta has not relinquished her title of Queen of the Bedroom but she does allow the minions to visit. Drake has methodically one by one removed all the toys from the bedroom. If he could lift the scratching post I'm sure he would have that in the living area as well. For a few nights running I have had 3 cats in my bed, and unsurprisingly they take up most of the room. Delta has started exploring the rest of the house, jumping on the couch for a scratch and treat.

Nynja loves that she can sleep on the bed, curled up usually around my knees, pressed in close. She's taken all these changes in stride and with the plethora of visitors I have had is getting braver with new people. She came out to say hello from a safe distance yesterday, which is a first for her.