Maybelle is about 3.5 months old. When she arrived last week I was told she was quiet, shy and would not approach her humans. She needed a calm kitty friend. The first night she spent in the bathroom. She expressed her displeasure at being locked away, loudly, all night. Her second day I moved her to the kennel. Normally I would have her spend more time in the bathroom, so I could pet her and try to get her kitten nature to express but we wanted to see if she would get along with Nynja as someone was interested in Drake and we don't want Nynja to be alone. Maybelle did not like the kennel either and told me repeatedly. On day 3 I opened the door to the kennel and she was out like a shot. At this point I had kitten proofed the apartment except for under the couch. Guess where she went.

Now it's been a week and a half and her kitten nature is coming out. She is playing and running around the apartment. Still easy to startle she is getting along with everyone but will occasionally rip across the room if anyone moves in a way that she does not expect. She is learning to come for treats and I can pet her occasionally though she does keep her distance. She is in LOVE with the rats. She hangs out watching them run around. As each day passes she gets closer and closer to my clowder when we are hanging out or playing. I can't wait to see the cat she becomes.