Exciting day for the rat clan. Everyone was given their dose of Revolution. No one had any fleas/mites etc. but it's something that SARS does, just in case. You need to wait 5 min for the Revolution to dry so the ratties don't lick it off and ingest it. In case you didn't do that math 29 rats x 5 minutes = 145 minutes which if you include a little time for set up, weighing etc. that's 3 hours.
Callay, JubJub and Outgrabe were adopted to a 10 year old and their family

Frumious, Toves and Wabe were adopted to a 13 year old and their family.

Itsy, Bitys, and Babs went to a foster family to wait until their new family in Seattle can take them.

The same for Jabber and Maxome, except their new home is Oregon.

The rest of the baby girls went to a new foster home and and will have new forever homes soon. The remaining 7 baby boys were moved to the cage their mamas were in, giving them more space to roam. Fluffy moved to the main floor of the rat condo, and Francisco Awesome stayed right where he is in his room with a view.
I'm going to miss them all of course but 9 is much more manageable to give quality time to.