Sometimes things happen. What you think is bad ends out to be a good thing, or at least not a horrible thing. As we have established Wilson is still a hissy little thing. Even when I cover her hole with a towel while I clean the bathroom she still has to hiss at me, and if not at that moment she may decide to stick her head out of the hole just to hiss at me when I am sitting beside her.
The other night, I go to the bathroom as one tends to do. My hand hit my brush which was on the side of the sink and it fell making a loud clatter. I bend over to see where it is hoping against hope that it has not fallen into the litter box. Because... ewwwww! Little did I know that Wilson was hanging out behind the toilet, I just assumed she was in her hole. So me leaning over freaked her out. She runs from behind the toilet, past the litter box, under the sink, past the door, along the wall and towards her hole. In her panic-filled flight she hits her dinner dish just right and breaks it. This of course makes another noise and her footing is no longer secure. This freaks her out even more and she leaps backwards. Of course her paw lands on a piece of the now broken plate and she lurches forward safely into her hole. Crisis averted.

Why is this a good thing? She realized that she could get through that moment of panic and it ended up ok. Now she is much less hissy. When we spend quality time together she will eat the fish treats (if she doesn't have to come out of her hole) and she is now lounging in her hole after a while and doesn't change position if I move around.
Also the brush did NOT end up in the litter box.