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The Great Migration


Eventually the time comes when all creatures need

to move on to new locations to experience bigger and better things. Wildebeest travel 2900 km across the African continent.

Last Tuesday, though less distance was traveled and no crocodiles or lions were involved, we had a migration of our own. All of the ratties went to the US to their new foster homes where I'm sure they will receive Thanksgiving treats. Tan graduated to becoming a "free range" cat, meaning she now has access to all the main parts of the apartment. Wilson now occupies the bedroom and the bathroom is currently animal free.

Tan had adjusted really quite well. She still needs to be stealth petted and is not so sure about being on the couch with me. Tan can be found usually under the coffee table hanging out or playing. She loves toys that she can use all 4 paws to play with. This means that she is on her back which means that she is getting super comfortable. Now all we need to do is get over that touching hurdle. She has taken to wandering past me while I am on the computer, getting closer and closer every time.

Wilson. Well Wilson didn't much like the change. I was hoping that the larger space would give her the confidence to control that space and feel more comfortable and maybe come out of her hiding place. Not so much. I carried her in her hole into the bedroom for the move. She hasn't been in it since. She ensconced herself under the bedside table. After a day or so came out from under it to eat, but only if I stuck a dried fish in the food. She was eating the fish treats I would place near her new "cave" so she would at least eat something. Once she started eating regularly I accidentally dropped something near her hiding place. This of course caused her to freak out and tear around the room to one of the other many intentional hiding places I have for her. And we started again from the beginning. She stopped eating. Sigh. Now I am bringing out the big guns. Catnip. She has catnip toys but does not play with them or any toys since going into the bedroom. She now gets a bit of the nip sprinkled on every meal. Fingers crossed this will mellow her out so she can explore her new digs and become the cat I know she can be.

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