This is the code phrase that my Foster Coordinator and I use when talking about a new cat coming to my home. With the girls in other rooms it was time to give my bathroom some company. Usually I will take whomever comes but this time I had specific needs as I want to bring in a friend for Wilson who will show her that people aren't horrible and to help her come out of her shell. This means a young cat who will let me pet it.
Welcome Wicken. I will be changing his name as I don't like the idea of having a black cat with that name. I just have to send in my suggestions and see if any of the names are taken. With adopting out 1800 cats a year names need to get creative. When I name I have been leaning to names of towns, regions etc.

I was told that he is a friendly cat that needs to learn some manners. He bites. His trigger, apparently, is when you point at him and say "NO". I haven't done this so don't know for sure. There seems to be some confusion as to the reason for this behavior, but there was some 'trouble' with the roommate. He has made himself comfortable in my bathroom sink. As I don't want to disturb him too much I had to brush my teeth in the kitchen. The things I do for the cats. I am hoping within the week he will be ready to move into the bedroom and he and Wilson will get along, and I know within the day if he hasn't left on his own he will be moved from the sink, if only for the amount of time it takes to complete my morning ablutions.
My bathroom isn't lonely anymore!