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I'm Suquach


Hello. My name is Suquach. My foster parent is busy with the new rats so I was asked to be a guest blogger today. I'm amazing. I am the smartest and most handsome cat in the whole house. I'm the only boy and all the girls adore me. I'm going to tell you about all the super things I do so I can blow your socks off and then play with them.

I love to trap my foster parent by laying on legs. This way there is no other option than to bask in my magnificence and pet me.

I love to help with paperwork and computer work. My penmanship could do with some work but who writes things down anyway. My computer skills are excellent! I can turn it on and off or open and close programs with just a tap of the paw.

My foster parent brought a whole cage of rats home just for my entertainment. When I am allowed in the living room I love to watch them run around. I can walk all around the cage and I would jump on top but it is just too much work to jump that high and the top portion is empty anyway so it's really not worth it.

My foster parent can be tricky and mean. Sometimes the door is open but I can't get out. It's like I am in prison. It's a good thing I can climb so well. Actually I am great at prison breaks. If you don't tell anyone I will tell you my secret. I climb all the way to the top and then smush my head against the bars until is separates. Then I just climb back down the other side. Though I haven't seen it I have been told that not all cats can climb down, so that makes me special. But we already knew that.

I love to snuggle in the morning. Well during the day and at night too. My soft and silky hair has one draw back. I get horrible bed head. Thankfully it doesn't take me too long in the morning to become presentable. I can't believe my foster parent took that photo, I was just too sleepy to prevent it.

Today I met some great people. I was told I had a date so made myself even extra adorable. I poured on the charm and cuteness. they were a really nice couple and told me that they have another cat for me to play with, but I need to play nice as it's a little shy. I played with them and let them snuggle me. They moved the feather on the stick so I had to catch it. I leapt and twisted and made them laugh. I only fell off the bed once... on purpose of course. I wonder if they will take me home? I mean how could they not.

I'm going to go now. It's dinner time and after being all sorts of amazing I am hungry.

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