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Forced Snuggling


What do you do when your rats are scared of their own shadow? You force them to cuddle with you. It's not as mean as it sounds. You start with the ones that you can catch easily, with minimal chasing. Then you wrap them in your shirt or a towel etc. so they feel like they are still hiding. Then you pet them, talk to them and give them treats. When not forced insisting on a cuddle you also try to get them to come to the front of the cage by offering treats. Different rats like different things so one must be prepared with a variety of vegetables, eggs, and other treats to coax them up. Always be aware of the friendly ones, greedy ones or dominant ones as they sometimes need to be gently removed from the area otherwise they will eat all the good stuff.

Davis Crosthwait Jr, Ernest Everett Just, Mark Dean and Percy Lavon Julian went to a new foster home leaving me with 6 boys. This will make it easier for me to have longer cuddle times. We also had a Glamour Photo Shoot today. Here's a video showing how those ususally go and why it takes several hours to get a few usable photos.

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