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Slow and steady


Like the story of the Tortoise and the Hare sometimes many little steps get you there faster. Tan is taking so many little steps in the last week or so it boggles my mind when I put it all together and realize just how more adventurous she is.

It started when she stuck her head out of her hiding place at the viewing just over a week ago. As she is still here they did not choose to take her home. This week she ate breakfast in the kitchen while I was washing dishes, before I couldn't be anywhere near her. She is sniffing me even when I don't have treats, and consistently coming into my space. She is also becoming more comfortable just hanging out. As I type this she is on her blanket just behind me, but she also sits on top of the scratching post, plays on the living room carpet and probably her favorite past time of staring at the rats while sitting on the coffee table. All this from a cat who just over a month ago that rarely came out from behind the TV and only if I was really, really still. Tan has another viewing tomorrow and I am excited to tell them how far she has come. Tan has one quirk that I have not seen with any other cat. She LOVES linens. She scorned the comfy cat beds but put a towel, sheet or blanket on the floor and she can't get enough. She rolls in it, bites it, catches imaginary creatures under it. It's so freaking adorable. She really is a bundle of cuteness, I can't wait until the day we can have a non-stealth petting session.

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