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Visiting Royalty decides to stay


Due to a translation error I have learned Zellabos's actual name is Dewdney. She has decided to stay with us. Dewdney spent a few weeks in the bathroom. This was more due to me having a cold that knocked the stuffing out of me rather than her needing to stay there. I just didn't feel up to the fallout that could happen if she and Wilson didn't get along. With the trepidation that occurs every time the initial introduction happens I brought her in to he bedroom. She immediately hid under the beside table. Wilson didn't seem to care about her new roommate. The next day Dewdney came out to eat while I was nearby and Wilson decided to join her. All my concerns were for naught. Wilson and Dewdney get along great.

Dewdney loves her new digs. She still hides under the chair occasionally but instantly comes out to the rattle of the treat container. She has made herself at home on the bed. Often sprawled out. She loves to be petted and purrs up a storm. I can pick her up, but she only tolerates it preferring to get places on her own. As Dewdney has longish hair I am introducing her to the brush. Again she tolerates it for a few brushes and them moves along. As she in Wilson get along so well they will need to be adopted together, more for Wilson' sake than Dewdney's.

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