Since Dewdney has joined Wilson in the bedroom Wilson as done an about face. Their personalities have meshed so well. Dewdney the timid but friendly and affectionate cat has shown Wilson how to be a pet cat. If Dewdney does it Wilson will try. To be clear, after 6 months of trying and one kitten later, I HAVE PETTED WILSON!!!!! It only took 2 days for her to be convinced.
Dewdney took a treat so Wilson had to come out to have one as well.
Dewdeny gets petted and picked up Wilson lets me touch her.
Dewdney plays with me and the feather toy, Wilson is intrigued and gives it a bat.
Granted the enthusiasm and length of stay is much less for Wilson that Dewdney but she's doing it! If I am sitting on the floor Wilson will now take treats from my fingers, eagerly looking for more. As long as I pet Dewdney first Wilson will come along side and let me pet her as well. She is still jumpy and it's fun to watch her get into the moment only to realize that she is suppose to think this is a scary thing and move back. Only to come forward and try again. She has found her security blanket.