Meet Javier. Javier is the newest addition to my home. Javier was won by a colleague who has an even worse skill with plants than I do, if that can be believed. I offered Javier a place in my home as it has been one year and 1 week exactly since I introduced the other succulents into my home and they are not only alive but thriving. I am not sure who is more surprised, me or my plant talented friends. I can't even grow cat grass.
Javier lived alone in a small container and I'm sure was quite lonely there after being taken away from friends at the plant store. Javier was longing to stretch some roots.

Now look how happy this little plant is. Javier is now surrounded by others, even if the nearest neighbor is a little prickly.

I'm sure you are thinking to yourself. This is suppose to be about Foster Animals. Why am I rambling about Javier meeting new neighbors. Many plants are poisonous to different animals. And not all animals are smart enough, or have the experience to realize this. The ASBC has provided a list of plants poisonous to cats. When introducing plants or animals into your home you need to be aware. Many a cat has been killed by a simple white lily. I have been assured that Javier is not poisonous, however Javier's new friends are. Most succulents are. But as succulents seem to be the only type of plants I have difficulty killing I have come up with a solution. All the plants are kept in cages. These wire cages allow for me to enjoy the plants, are easily removable for watering, allow the plants to get the sunlight they need. and most importantly keep the plants from being sampled by curious felines. In addition, those with tops have been known to be used by said felines as a place to nap.