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Last weekend was the Rat expo called Ratapalooza. The non-sneezing boys were suppose to go down and hopefully be adopted. Unfortunately one of the boys decided to have a sneezing fit the day before they were to go. Though we know that they are not contagious, the rattie health inspectors, the ones that say whether rats can enter the show, might not accept that if they heard him sneeze so the decision to not bring them was made. So all of the boys are at other foster homes now. All of the rats that did go to the show were adopted, including two 2 year old boys. The older adoption is important as rats live only 3-4 years so to have a senior pair adopted is very exciting.

SARS brought back two baby boy rats. They are at my place for "just in case" qt. As mentioned earlier all rats who attend the show have gone through a health check so we know they are healthy, but we just want to make sure. They are tiny boys for their age and very shy. They do allow me to pick them up but they go frozen when I do. The "if I don't move you can't see me" defense. They have started moving a little in the week that they have been here.

And they are seriously cute!

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