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Meet the Gods of Mischief


The Tweedles were picked up last Saturday by an awesome couple. They went to a great home and now have two older siblings.

On Monday I had 11 new ratties dropped off. They are all friendly and most are super friendly. I had to add the third level to the rat condo as the boys were bigger than I thought they would be so we needed the extra space. That was an interesting moment as when they arrived I only had the two levels and the single cage set up as there were three groupings. The girls, Hades and his son, and then the 6 boys. Originally the girls were in the bottom floor of the condo, Hades and his son were at the (then) top level and the 6 boys in the single cage. Thankfully Hades and son were heavy sleepers as I was able to put the top level together , take off their roof and top the cage and re-roof. Then everyone moved. Hades and son were moved to the bottom floor, the 6 boys moved to the two story top and the girls moved to the single cage. I think everyone is happier.

I love this video as they were just following my hand back and forth while standing on their back legs,

until of course I pulled out the camera and then they only did it a little.

As they are all intact boys I do need to be careful about how I interact with them. Not because they will bite, or become hostile or anything like that but because if I don't remember to wash my hands between the boy cages some of the guys get a little poofy and really don't like it when I try to pet their back. They think my hand is going for dominance. It's not, and they don't react completely like there is a dominance struggle but make enough motions that I know they are bothered by it. So I try to remember to wash my hands. They all get so excited to see me, hand washing aside, which is super fun. They obviously had a lot of love before they came here.

Their names are Apollo, Ares, Asclepius, Calypso, Dionysus, Electra, Hades, Hypnos, Morphus, Snow and Zagreus. I haven't had a chance for an official photo shoot but home to soon.

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