I thought I would give an overall update of all the creatures in my house.
Meet Wallee. He's been here "temporarily" since late August. He's going to have his own post soon but I thought I should introduce him. He recently moved from the bathroom into the bedroom. This had caused a bit of a commotion with the girls, but everyone is settling into the change.

Wilson is a little jumpy since getting kicked out of the bedroom. She's betting better and still encourages petting, but she really had no idea what to do with herself for a few days. It helped that I brought out her bed and put in in a "safe" place that is both easily escapable as well as secure. Wilson and I recently celebrated her one year anniversary with me.

Tan has mellowed out a little when it comes to her space and the other girls. She's still be boss but does not enforce it as much now that Wilson and Dewdney can't go in to the bedroom. She partially sits on my lap for petting, and has taken to trying to box my hands if I pet her too long, or not quite right. Thankfully her claws are mostly retracted when she does this, though I have recently had people asking if I have a cat when at work, and it's not because I have cat hair on my clothes. Tan celebrated her 1 year anniversary with me earlier this month.

Dewdney is part sweetie-pie part little stinker. She loves to snuggle on the couch, often sitting on my feet. However she also likes to get on the counter. The counter with the sink, not the counter with the stove. This means that I can still leave my food to cool on the stove side without having any go missing. She has not fully accepted that the bedroom is off limits, so continually tries to and sometimes successfully does sneak in.

Later today I am hoping to have a rat photoshoot. It needs to be later, as right now it is nap time for the entire household. ( except me)