The original Gods of Mischief totaled 11. We had...
Mr. Apollo

Mr. Ares who loved to pee on me.

Mr. Asclepius

Ms. Calypso who had a bit of a cold and needed to get medication, which she HATED!

Mr. Dionysus also had a cold and HATED taking is medication.

Ms. Electra, sister to Calypso

Mr. Hades who had a bit of a cold and itchy skin. He got a bath which he hated and meds which he didn't.

Mr. Hypnos

Mr. Morphus

Mr. Snow came to us with a spirally broken tail. It didn't seem to affect him in any way but ouch initially.

Mr. Zagreus, son of Hades. The shyest of the bunch, but getting better.

Two weeks later Snow was adopted to be a buddy to someone closer to his age. Calypso and Electra left the next day to go to a new foster home so I would have room for our next member of the mischief, (Master) Splinter.

Splinter was kept in a snake cage for two weeks while the snake did not eat him. So he was put up on Craigslist. We got him and during his qt his other foster family promptly fell in love and helped him over the initial wariness of people. Splinter was brought here to be friends with Zagreus as they are only a month or so apart in age.
Today was a very busy day. Hades was adopted to go live with two lovely ladies. Apollo, Asclepius, and Hypnos were adopted by a couple who had been rat-less for a few years. They had so much fun playing with the rats trying decide who to take home.
Ares, Dionysus and Morphus went to another foster home as Dionysus is on meds for another month so cannot go to the Rat show this weekend. This leaves me with Splinter and Zagreus who are now sharing, if uneasily, a cage. They are most likely going to the rat show to hopefully get adopted in Portland.