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What About Wallee


It's been a while since I spoke about Wallee. He has decided that under the chair in the bedroom is his man cave. It's his safe space. He received a roommate in December, kitten extraordinaire RaeRae. When I let RaeRae out of her large kennel for free space play for the first time she immediately ran under the chair to snuggle with him. Or maybe hide behind him. Wallee didn't seem to mind too much.

Before Kitten, at night he was sitting on the cat stool and staring out the window. I am not sure if he ever made it to the window. He had progressed to the point that he no longer moved when I got up in the morning, however he would always be under the chair when I re-entered the room. He no longer did that once he kitten arrived. On a positive note the kitten got him to eat in a different location. For months he would only eat if the food was under to right behind the chair. Now he eats elsewhere, and sometimes when I am in the room he will come out to eat. This makes me happy for several reasons, he is showing he is now feeling more secure and is willing to be vulnerable in other locations. And also because it means I don't have to awkwardly place the dish where he would eat.

He also has now allowed me to pet him while he is under the chair. Sometimes even purring. He will adjust himself so I can get the best spots. Occasionally he will even come out, following a treat trail, so I can pet him behind the chair. There is one more way that I can get him out from under the chair. If I sit in it, especially with the foot rest up, and then get in or out it will annoy him to the point that he goes behind the chair. But then he gives me this look...

...not that I blame him. I can be pretty annoying.

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