I was given a bonding scarf by a fellow volunteer at SARS. Anna is a wiz with the sewing machine and makes all sorts of fancy things for foster ratties, and for sale to raise funds for SARS as well. That's how I wear my rats.

Now I can wander the house, do laundry, sit on the couch, or type blog posts while hanging out with my rats. This
is especially great as with cats in every room they don't have a lot of cage free time and I can only stand in the middle of the room for so long. The girls love it. As it encircles my neck they can run around safely, pole their head out, sniffle my ear, play with my hair etc. They are often heard bruxing (rat version of purring or tail wagging) as they run around, in or out of the scarf.
The only negative is that I now no longer have the tell tale ratty scratches on my chest and neck which is a sign to rat lovers everywhere they they are in the presents of a fellow rat owner.