I wish I could say my nickname is because I am a super hero. But it's not. I am attached, some would say unusually so, to the big blue chair in my room. My name is Wallee. I'm the only male feline here, and that makes me special. During they day I spend most of the time in my man cave under the chair. It's dark and comfortable and now that there is carpet it's even more so. Even though it's a man cave I will let the kitten come visit. Sometimes she needs a little company being a kitten and all. In the evening I might come out and sit behind my chair. This allows me to stretch a little and look majestic as I survey the area.
My foster parent will reach in and pet me, which I really like. Sometimes if they are sitting on the correct side of the chair I will come out and have a good petting session as they can't always get the right spots by reaching in. I can really get my purr on in moments like that. Occasionally I will mix it up and stray a foot or so from my chair and let them pet me there. They seem to like that as I get lots of praise and treats.
Now don't get the wrong idea. I do leave my man cave. A man's got to eat and take care of business. I have also discovered that interesting things happen at night when I look out the window. I may sit in the tower provided or in the actual window sill behind the curtains. I won't tell you what does on in the alley at night, this is a family friendly blog after all, but let me tell you it can be interesting.