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When it Rains it Pours!


It's been a crazy few weeks in the foster world which is going to be my excuse for not posting for a while.

We all remember the Green With Envy baby rats. They were adorable quick moving babies that completely absorbed Dewdneys attention. She would sit for hours on the stool strategically placed just far enou

​​gh away watching them. Well the babies all went to new foster homes, and are now at Ratstock, the rat show in Portland hopefully finding new homes as I type this.

They had to leave my place as I was receiving a new shipment of well cared for rats. That's several in a row now! These adult lovelies, 2 girls and 12 boys, are an owner surrender as their job has changed to be mostly travelling. The owner took great care of these critters as is shown by their love of humanity and their girth. The age range is from 1.5 years to 2.5 years, so there is a couple of old men in the group. Most of the boys are related as they originally were bred for food. So we have Fathers, Sons and Uncles. Once these sweeties are finished quarantine, assuming the babies all get adopted today, they will go to different foster homes or permanent homes as there are already some interest . I will have a more detailed introduction later but wanted to show the differences in sizes of those that left and those that came.

Wallee had 2 viewings by the same person, and they had a connection. The potential adopter felt that Wallee with his mellow ways was a kindred spirit and didn't mind at all laying on the floor for 2 hours petting Wallee under the chair. He said yes, and was about to begin the paperwork when his parents with whom he lives, said No. Not under our roof. Therefore that adoption unfortunately did not go through. Poor Wallee.

Rae Rae has been adopted! She spent the entire viewing under the chair but let them pet her. They fell in love and now she is in a great home with a cat buddy who's 1 1/2 years old to play with. He is black and white as well but in almost opposite markings so even without his glasses on he can tell the difference.

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