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Everybody wants to be a Cat!


Wallee has reached another milestone on his journey to being a full fledged pet cat. His recent date did not go so well, he didn't come out from under the chair though he did let them pet him. They are lovely people and I wish them the best in finding their heart cat.

Before I left for Easter I was trying to coax him out from the chair in a timely manner, as well as once he was out to come up on the bed. Of course this is all done by shaking the treat container. Now he almost consistently comes when I want and even better he comes up on the bed without the treat container shaking. Way to go Wallee.

But wait there is more.

He now wants to be petted. He's actively encouraging it. I can be on the floor, on the bed or even on the chair. I have also been the recipient of kitty nose bumps. Most of them are near misses, just a bit away from actually touching, but he is working up the courage to nose bump with me! With his gentle demeanor he will be the best cat ever. ( Don't tell the girls I said that)

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