I recently received new foster rats, seven young girls. They had pretty bad ear mites so a round of Revolution was given, to great success. You can see from the photo below what ear mites look like, the edges of their ears are ragged with some scabbing. Thankfully ear mites can't be transferred to other animals or humans. A dose of Revolution and all is well.

The seven sisters are so friendly and once they became accustomed to Dewdney's attention all was well. Now that their ears have healed up I was able to have a photo shoot with them as they are ready for adoption. I still have to write up about their personalities as they are all a little different. I love friendly rats, don't get me wrong, it makes them fun to play with and interact with and way easier to get adopted. They can make you laugh with their antics, especially when they are young and full of energy. However it can make photo shoots exceedingly difficult. You want them to stay still(ish), strike cute poses and generally stay in one area. Not gonna happen with super friendly rats. They want to play with you, be on you and not be in the stage area because humans are just so much more fun! So photo shoots take way longer but they are also often full of exasperated laughter.

Here are the girls: Bean, Harriet, May Blossom, Oreo Too, Peach, Rabbit, and Rooibos.