Poor Wallee has a Urinary Tract Infection.

I noticed last week when he was passing blood clots in my bed. I am no longer sleeping with sheets as I can only do so much laundry. The mattress protector will be bleached and washed a few times once this is all settled.

He has been to the vet 3 times.
On Monday I dropped him off in the morning and picked him after work as I wanted him to be looked at as soon as possible. Unfortunately when I called in on Tuesday to hear the results we discovered that they had forgotten to take the urine. On Wednesday one of the staff came to pick us up and dropped us off once the collection was made. This was a very nice gesture on their part as we have to take the bus and it takes 30-45 minutes to get there as the 7 bus is not the most reliable for being on time. Urine collected they vet prescribed some anti-anxiety meds as previous vets thought his last blood in urine was anxiety related, as well as some pain meds. Thursday morning I went back to the vet, without Wallee, to pick up more medication as the urinalysis indicated that he did indeed have an infection. At the same time they indicated that the urine was dilute and they wanted to take blood for further analysis. So now it's Friday and back to the vet we went. Hopefully this is the last time for a while.
There is some good news about all these visits. Wallee is resigned to getting into the carrier, it took under 5 minutes vs. the 25 minutes of chasing him around the bedroom on Monday. He is really affectionate when the anti-anxiety meds kick in. Giving me head butts and cheek rubs, walking back and forth over me as he just can't seem to sit still. I hope all of this means he is generally feeling better. The anti-anxiety meds are only for another day or so. It will be interesting to see how he is without mind altering drugs.
His plate at dinner now contains:
Anti-Anxiety meds
Pain meds
cat food