As stated earlier SARS received a call about some fancy rats that had been abandoned in an alley way downtown. I don't understand why people do that. There are so many other options out there. It's not just rats, it's turtles, bunnies, cats, dogs and I'm sure many others. Because, yeah, you've cared for them for a while and they've only known the world inside so OF COURSE they know how to live in the outside world, I mean, it's instinctual right?!
Ok rant over.
With the help of many people over the course of the last week. SARS volunteers looking under dumpsters, and talking to those who work in the alley. i.e. Delivery drivers to find out where they are.

And across the alley

We found two of them right away Friday night. And slowly over the week volunteers, myself included, went out as we could with nets, tube traps and carriers. Unfortunately we all work full time, and as it is in an alley downtown we can't leave anything out unattended both for stress of rats as well as theft.
In the end we trapped 5 young males, 3 young females and one litter of babies. They were all named for the people who helped catch them.