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Moving and Shaking


Since the Garden Rats arrived we've had some coming and goings. The original 4 boys went to a new foster home, they are doing very well in their new home. Then 2 more boys were adopted by one of the original rescuers. I moved Cecelia and Sophie in with Wolfgang so he would not be alone. The girls are spayed so we have no worries about little babies. At this point they have not really bonded but do hang out together. This could be considered a good thing as they can be adopted as a duo or a trio.

We also moved Tiki and Sia from another foster home in with the Garden Girls. All these moves changed the dynamics of the cages which made everyone a little jumpy and nervous. They finally settled down going back to their shy selves. We then added 2 more nameless girls of different ages from another foster home. The hope was that the younger one would bond with Thais, the baby of the group. So far this has not happened. But everyone is getting along well enough. One of the new girls likes to bite. It's thought that she's a cage biter, meaning that she only bites when in the cage. She is also very grabby with food and doesn't really care if she gets a bit of your finger as well. Today she went to our resident rat whisperer who can make the most bitey rats affectionate. Everyone is getting less and less shy, though Thais is a bit of a card case. There is improvement from her as well, thankfully.

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