Alfie is the last surviving rat of my old men rats.

His last brother died the other day. This is to be expected as they are 2.5 years old and rats live on average 2-3 years. He is doing well on his own. He's able to make his nest without the others messing it up. He's always enjoyed making little nests for himself. I am making sure to spend some extra time with him as rat are social creatures.
He is showing his age though. They all were, slowly getting less active and such. Alfie's back leg is starting to move less and less. This is common and it completely painless. However it does mean that he's a little less steady on three legs rather than four, but he can still get around. For this reason I have changed his cage to a bungalow rather than the 3 story he was in before so if he takes a tumble he won't get hurt.
