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Learning to live together


Saffi is a talker. She got brave enough that she would stand at the screen door and meow for attention. As she and Ash had been sniffing each other at the door and she had stopped meowing for him to come over so she could at him I decided to open up and let them interact.

Everything is going great. They still eat in separate rooms, and have their own litter boxes and both generally go their own way. Nearing dinner time they tend to get a little hissy but it has never gone beyond that. What I do find amusing is when they passive aggressively bait each other. For example. Saffi likes to nap between the heater and the litter box, Ash never has. However now occasionally he will sit near there so that she won't. Or when Saffi will hide in one of the cat boxes in the cat tree and lunge out just as Ash is making to jump to the top of the tree, just to throw him off balance.

Just to give them a guaranteed break from each other I still lock Saffi in the bedroom every once in a while.



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