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Rat vs. Rat


As is true for many siblings, roommates or any two that live together there is sometimes a differing of opinion.

Does the blender belong on the counter or in a cupboard?

Toothpaste squeezed from the middle or the end?

Comedy or Action?

Zeik and Alfie have one major difference of opinion.

Zeik likes to hide the food. But is too lazy to actually remove it from the bowl into a private stash. If the food is on the bottom there will be a mountain of shavings covering the bowl if it's low enough, or leading up to it if it's just a little too high up the side.

Alfie likes to let his food breath.

They have never come to blows over this however I can tell who ate when as Zeik always carefully covers up and Alfie uncovers. Alfie will eat anything. Zeik will eventually eat anything but needs to be convinced that nothing better is coming before he will eat his greens. These old men are so sweet and quirky. You may have noticed in previous posts that there used to be 4 rats. Unfortunately over the course of the last few months 2 have passed on in their sleep. Such is the life of having old man rats.



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