Both girls have had quite a few good days. Saffi is now ensconced back into the bedroom and it taking ownership of it again. She is mostly brave and not hiding when I come into the room and will even stay on the bed with me even if there are no treats. She can still be only stealth petted and even then that's iffy. It appears that changing the litter box back to "her" litter box was a good choice as here was only one further incident on the bed.

Dooley has become a snuggle bug. When we sit on the couch all she wants is petting or treats or BOTH! I occasionally get hissed at if I am done before she is. Unfortunately she is still nippy especially when she gets over excited. She getting better at not fleeing when I wander and occasionally will wait outside the bathroom. Her eye is still a little weepy so she's not ready for adoption quite yet.
