Saffi and Hugo have an unusual friendship. Saffi is 2, a tuxedo, who is keen to chase lasers and eat treats. Hugo is 12, grey and white, and has a thyroid problem. I think they must have bonded over the shapes of their markings. She licks his tail and he lets her.
When they arrived they were both very scared. Not surprisingly, cars and new places are scary. It didn't take long for them to discover the great hiding place under the chair.

By day 2 Saffi was comfortable enough to stare at me from behind the chair.

On Day 4 Hugo was still firmly ensconced under the chair.

After a week or so they both came out of their shells a little more.

A week after that, Hugo has discovered the window and when I enter the room he will either stay put or slink back under the chair. For such a tall, but skinny guy I'm surprised he gets under there so fast. Saffi has taken a liking to my bed. She immediately moves to behind the chair for a moment or two when I enter but often peeks out to see what I am doing.
I can't wait to see what they do or discover next.