When all else fails... you pee. That is the work according to Brant. As he and Crow do not get along which means he had to stay in the bedroom. So he peed on my bed, almost daily.

So he was moved back to the bathroom where all soft surfaces are removed to retrain to the litter box. Then I add an old pillow for a nice soft surface to sit on. Brant was doing so well, 3 days with a soft surface no non-litter box issues. Then just as I am considering moving him back to the bedroom he pees on the pillow. Sigh.
Crow loves it as he has the run of the house again. He can sleep on the bed and follow me around. However after spending a few day on the computer and spending less time that normal petting him he decided to pee in my laundry basket and poo just in front of my pillow on the bed.